
    School Cafe

    • School cafe is the lunch management system used by the NASD. Using this website you can add funds to your child’s lunch account as well as see a purchase history of what your child purchased for lunch. To apply for school lunch benefits such as free and reduced lunch, you will need to create a School Cafe account to apply.

    • To create an account:

      • Go to https://www.schoolcafe.com/

      • Click on the registration box at the bottom of the screen:

      • Enter Nazareth Area School District

      • Click on Create an account

      • Sign in with Google or add your name and email address

      • Next, if you are creating an account without using Google--create a password and security question

      • On the final screen, add your child’s ID number to add them to your account.


    Update Portal for PowerSchool

    • This website is for parents to update the information in PowerSchool.
    • We ask that this information is updated on a yearly basis to ensure that the district has current and accurate information in the event of an emergency.
    • This needs to be done once every school year for EACH child you have in the district.
    • This process allows you to update information for only one child at a time.
      • Use Access ID and Access Password for each child to log in to this portal.
      • The Access ID and Access Password for your child can be found by logging into your Parent PowerSchool account and clicking on the Other Apps for Guardians tab under the child selected.
    • The information must be entered by a parent or guardian.
    • If you have more than one student in the Nazareth Area School District, you must complete this process for each of your students.
    • Make sure that all the information you submit is accurate.
    • You will be asked to verify or update information related to your student's Address, Parent/Guardian Information, Phone Numbers, Email addresses, and Emergency Contact Information.
    • You will be asked to review/sign off on routine policies.
    • A change in residency (address) or a change in custody will require you to provide documentation to the NASD Central Registration office.
      • IMPORTANT: Changes such as these cannot be finalized until the required documentation is provided.
    • You must update or verify all the information for each of your students, even if there are no changes.
    • Once the information has been updated and finalized, you may not be able to get back in the same school year to update the information again.
      • Please contact the technology integration specialist, Mr. Seth Lisa for assistance.
      • Please contact Miss Kocher if you have any questions about using the portal to update your information.