- Kenneth N. Butz Jr. Elementary School
- KBES Staff Page
Please use the directory to search for a specific building staff member. The directory listing also includes the staff member's extension.
Learning Support
Emotional Support
Special Areas
Mrs. Rachel Asthon, 4th grade Instrumental Music Teacher
Mrs. Lindsay Fisk, STEAM Teacher
Mr. Jon Lock, Physical Education
Mrs. Cindy Rizzolino, Library Media Specialist
Mrs. Michelle Ruhf, Music
Officer Don Bartholomew, School Resource Officer
Mrs. Christine Brown, School Nurse
Mrs. Lori Dech, RtII Coordinator
Mrs. Carey Ebersole, Data Specialist
Mrs. LouAnn Fehr, Reading Specialist
Mr. Josh Gridley, School Counselor
Mrs. Renae Heath, ESOL Teacher
Mr. Seth Lisa, Technology Integration Specialist
Mr. Shawn McEntire, Gifted Teacher
Mrs. Michelle Marchese, School Psychologist
Mrs. Jamie Miller, Behavior Specialist
Mrs. Marissa Kokinda Speech Therapist
Mr. Steve Rohn, Math Specialist (M AM, W & F)
Ms. Jenna Thorn, District Social Worker
Ms. Melanie Siegfried, St. Luke's Therapist, Yess Program
Ms. Madeline Bachert, Teacher Associate
Ms. Alyssa Bindel, Registered Behavioral Technician
Mrs. Prapti Patel RN, BSN- Associate Nurse
Mrs. Carrie Caruso, Teacher Associate
Mrs. Britany Christman, Teacher Associate
Miss Lauren Francavilla, Library Associate (Friday)
Mrs. Jodi Fulmer, Teacher Associate
Mrs. Kristen Gemmel, Teacher Associate
Mrs. Amber Groller, Teacher Associate
Mrs. Carrie Kutzura, Teacher Associate
Mrs. Jasmin Lebron, Teacher Associate
Ms. Trina Petroni, Teacher Associate
Ms. Jillian Rissmiller, Teacher Associate
Mrs. Tracy Walker, Teacher Associate
Miss Lillian Wunderly, Mental Health Associate
Support Staff
Ms. Kat Bennicas, Day Custodian
Ms. Lynn Clappison, Night Custodian
Mr. Sean Daly, Night Custodian
Mrs. Carina Davila, Kitchen
Mr. Joe Emanuel, Head Custodian
Ms. Sherrie Frasier, Cafeteria Preparer/Cashier
Mr. Billy Pastor, Cafeteria Custodian
Mrs. Michelle Giordano, Lunch Monitor
Ms. Emilie Goffredo, Cafeteria Staff - Head Cook
Mrs. Wendy Juniper, Lunch Monitor
Ms. Lauren Licari, Cafeteria Staff
Ms. Cyndi Schaeffer, Night Custodian