Please contact the school principal, Mrs. Kelly Apruzzi, if you have any questions and/or concerns as the school year progresses. Appointments can be scheduled through the office administrative assistants, Mrs. Elena Farina and Ms. Trudy Shields. If you have questions regarding the school, please contact: 

    Mrs. Kelly Apruzzi, Principal

    Phone: 610-759-1118

    Fax: 610-759-0454 or 

    Email: kapruzzi@nazarethasd.org


    Ms. Trudy Shields and Mrs. Elena Farina are the Kenneth N. Butz, Jr. Elementary School’s administrative assistants who will greet you as you enter the main office at KBES. They will help meet your needs or direct you to the appropriate person.


    Our school day begins at 8:15 a.m. Students who arrive at school after 8:15 a.m. are considered tardy. It is important that your child is on time each day. Parents will be contacted if your child is consistently tardy. Our dismissal procedures begin at approximately 2:45 p.m.


    Butz Express is on Track to Learn: KBES Students are Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn. 


    1. Look and Listen.
    2. Raise your hand.
    3. Respect people and property.
    4. Follow directions the first time.
    5. Walk and wait quietly in school.

Main Office Staff & Building Specialists

  • Message from the Principal
  • Nurse's Office
  • Counseling Office
  • School Psychologist Office
  • Response to Intervention & Instruction
  • KBES Reading Specialist

K-4 Important Information and Forms

  • K-4 School Day Hours
  • 2024-2025 General School Calendar
  • Absence Reporting Procedures
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • 2023-2024 District Issued Device Agreement and Financial Obligation Information
  • Educational Family Trip Excusal Form
  • 24-25 Elementary Student Handbook
  • Food Service 2023 Letter
  • New Student Registration
  • School Volunteer Procedures