• Welcome to the LNES website. LNES is a K- 4 building focused on student achievement and building the characteristics children need to be successful. The LNES staff works in partnership with parents to ensure that each child reaches his/her fullest potential. Our goal is to help students reach their highest level of academic, social, emotional, and physical achievement. Programs that assist us in meeting the needs of our students include Special Education, English as a Second Language, and Gifted Education. Additionally, we have a Reading Specialist, RtII Specialist, and Guidance Counselor on staff. The students of LNES are encouraged to be independent thinkers, creative problem-solvers, cooperative learners, and productive citizens of the twenty-first century. LNES has a dedicated multitalented staff whose priority is to help students achieve academic excellence while incorporating respect for self and others, realizing individual differences need to be acknowledged, addressed, and respected. LNES students utilize the latest technology to help them become lifelong learners. Our active PTA and community partners provide numerous resources and support in helping us achieve our goals.


    LNES students have consistently done well on the Pennsylvania State School Assessment (PSSA). The scores for all schools can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website. At LNES high academic achievement is paired with providing a safe and nurturing environment. Learning happens best in an environment of sharing, caring, laughing, questioning, risk-taking, and mutual respect. Learning is not confined to a classroom, nor does it stop with the completion of school.


    If you would like more information about our school, please feel free to contact us by mail, phone, or e-mail. If you're in our neighborhood, please stop by!


    Mr. Mike Santos, LNES Principal