- Lower Nazareth Elementary School
- Group Counseling Information
Throughout this school year, I will be meeting with social skills groups across all grade levels. These group counseling sessions will cover a wide range of social skills (conversation skills, cooperation, making and keeping friends, managing feelings, and solving conflicts). We will be using direct instruction, role plays, and games to teach each skill. In these groups, a variety of lessons from researched-based curriculums, such as the Superflex and Jed Baker social skills group counseling curriculums, will be utilized.
Students will be encouraged to practice the skills in school and at home. Parents of students who will be participating in these groups will receive further information regarding this curriculum as well as how you can assist your children at home with improving their social skills. Referrals for participation in these counseling groups come from teachers, the principal, parents, and my knowledge of the students. If you feel that your child is, or could be, in need of these counseling services please contact me to discuss your concerns further.
I will also be implementing counseling groups focusing on other specific areas of need across all grade levels, as those areas of need are identified by teachers and parents. These groups could be focused on such topics as executive functioning skills, self-esteem, or coping with family transitions (divorce, separation, incarceration, loss of a parent). If you have a concern for your child, please contact me and we can discuss what type of counseling service would best meet your child's needs.