- Nazareth Area High School
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Faculty and Staff
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Jessica Babbitt (Class of 2025 and Class of 2027)
Mr. William Ostroski(Class of 2024 and Class of 2026)
Athletic Director
Mr. Raymond Ramella, Director of Athletics & Coordinator of Student Activities
Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Ruvolo
Miss Samuelson
Ms. StagerBusiness Education
Mrs. Bedoya
Mrs. Bloise
Ms. Gerhard
Mr. Isaksson
Mr. Koser
Mr. Ressler
Mrs. Russell
Ms. TrainelloCounseling Office
Mrs. Falko
Mrs. Hall
Mrs. Hayward
Mrs. Talianek
Mrs. WoodallEnglish
Mrs. Carroll
Mr. Cetnar
Ms. Gold
Mrs. Greene
Mrs. Jameson
Ms. Miller
Ms. Mitch
Mr. Rauch
Mr. Fahie (LTS for Mr. Sterner)
Mrs. Teeling
Mr. Yeager
Ms. ZumasESL
Family & Consumer Science
Ms. Camiline-Courtney
Mrs. Caracappa
Mrs. Hull
Mrs. StoutLibrary Media Specialist
Gifted Education
Mr. Tauber (LTS for Ms. Hoff)
Ms. PaukovitchHealth / Physical Education
Mr. Fry
Mr. Herceg
Mrs. Kreider-Davis
Miss Villano
Mr. WolfMath
Ms. Colombo
Mr. Deutsch
Mr. Fair
Mrs. Hollman
Mrs. Hammerstone
Mrs. Myers
Mr. Novak
Mr. Schoeneberger
Mr. Smith
Ms. Snyder
Ms. SortinoMusic and Performing Arts Department
Mrs Durner
Mr. Felix
Mrs. Sabol
Mr. TanzosNurses
Mrs. Hoch
Mrs. Johnson
Mrs. BugbeePsychologist
World Language
Mr. Cressman
Mrs. DeReinzi
Mrs. Faller
Mrs. K Krouse
Ms. Lerch
Mrs. O’Brien
Mrs. Seikonic
Mrs. Tcherviakova
Mr. Ayers
Mr. Ciambrone
Mrs. Frace
Mr. Friend
Mr. Hoffman
Mrs. Keim
Mr. Kluska
Mr. Myers
Mrs. Rakos
Ms. Roberts
Mr. Rose
Ms.Simeone (LTS)
Mr. TintorriSocial Studies
Mr. Cole
Mrs. Cunningham
Mr. Cunningham
Mr. Falzone
Ms. Frederick
Mr. Garner
Mr. Goldstein
Ms. Ochse
Mr. Tafel
Mrs. Tzope
Ms. Uecker Miernicki
Mrs. WilsonSpecial Education
Mr. Buss
Mrs. Glasgow
Mr. Haupt
Mr. Heimbach
Mr. Hendershot
Mr. Hoff
Ms. Jacoby-Gerstenberg
Mrs. Lubarsky
Ms. Schumacher
Ms. Szczepanski
Mrs. Tashner
Ms. TekinTechnology Education
Associate Teachers
Mrs. Bauer - Library
Ms. Cinoa - Mental Health
Ms. Ashokkumar
Mr. Burley
Ms. Delong
Ms. Emmons
Mrs. Fray
Ms. Hutchison
Mr. Copeland
Mr. Lynch
Ms. Martin
Ms. McMullan
Ms. Nagy
Ms. Noel
Mr. Nunamaker
Mr. Onulack
Ms. Paccio
Ms. Peters
Ms. Peterson
Ms. Reagle
Ms. Rutkowski
Ms. Stillwell
Ms. Tims
Ms. YoungAdministrative Assistants
Mrs. Roam, Academic Services Main Office
Mrs. Sarnoff, Attendance Office
Mrs. Kadlub. Student Services Office
Mrs. Yatchyshyn, Principal’s OfficeHall Monitors
Mrs Huber
Ms. Judah