- Nazareth Area Intermediate School
- NAIS Clubs and Activities
NAIS Clubs are offered throughout the school year. Some clubs are held all year and others are held for a quarter or time period through the year. Signs up will be posted to the school webpage and Schoology on Monday, September 16th at 6 PM . Club advisors will maintain a Schoology page with meeting dates, information and other supplies you need. Once a student is in the club, the student will be added to that course and both the student and parent will have access to important club information. The Schoology course will be the main source of communication with the club advisor.
Club meeting dates are an estimate. After the students are registered the advisors will reach out with a more accurate schedule that will then be posted to Schoology and the school calendar.
NAIS Club Sign Ups will begin on Monday, September 16th at 6 PM. Current clubs will be updated with information for the 2024-2025 school year by Friday, September 13th. Announcements will be made on Schoology and through School Messenger emails in September.
We look forward to seeing everyone in all of our a'NAIS'ing clubs!

Degrees and Certifications:
NAIS Art Club

Degrees and Certifications:
Acoustic Guitar Club
Learn to play the guitar or go further in your playing. More information to come soon!

Degrees and Certifications:
Concert Band
Concert Band- Meets Tuesday mornings before school starting at 7:40 AM.
Concert Band is for 5th and 6th grade musicians who play a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. In Concert Band, students apply the skills learned in lessons in a large ensemble setting. The Concert Band rehearses to prepare music for the NAIS Winter and Spring Concerts. Students participating in lessons are encouraged, but not required to participate in Concert Band.
Advisors- Mr. Beil & Mrs. Wallace
Total # of Students- Unlimited
Starting Date- Tuesday October 1, 2024 (*Concert Dates: Monday December 16th, 2024 at 7:00 PM & Wednesday May 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM)

Degrees and Certifications:
Broadcast Bunch
The Broadcast Bunch is for students that LOVE to make movies and videos. We will learn how to set up scenes, record from different angles and edit our movies. The two top movies in Grade 6 will be chosen to participate in the Regional Computer Fair for Grades 6-8 in March.
Other projects will be posted on our website for others to enjoy! Students that have experience with creating videos or hosting their own youtube channels or have a strong interest in video production and movie making should join this club.
The club is open to grade 6.
There are NO tryouts! It is a first come registration. This is NOT the same as news show. Here we make movies and learn movie effects.
Meeting Times: Third Friday of a Month
Advisor: Miss Morrison

Degrees and Certifications:
NAIS Chorus
Chorus- Meets Thursday mornings before school starting at 7:40 AM.
Chorus is for 5th and 6th grade students who are interested in learning the fundamentals of vocal performance and applying those skills in an ensemble setting. Students involved in chorus will rehearse once a week to prepare music for the NAIS Winter and Spring Concerts.
Advisors- Mr. Beil
Total # of Students- Unlimited
Starting Date- Thursday October 3, 2024 (*Concert Dates: Monday December 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM & Monday May 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM)

Degrees and Certifications:
Coding to Programming Club
The coding club is for students that have an interest in learning coding and some basic programming. We will be using the Google CS First coding program to create an app. The two top apps in Grade 6 will be chosen to participate in the Regional Computer Fair for Grades 6-8 in March. Other apps will be posted on our website for others to enjoy!
The club is open to both grades 5 and 6 but only grade 6 can participate in the competition. Grade 5 student projects will be showcased in schoolwide events,
Meeting Times: 7:40- 8:30 AM Fridays through March.
Grade 5 will meet on the 1st and 3rd Friday
Grade 6 will meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday
Advisor: Mr. Petrozelli

Degrees and Certifications:
NAIS Dance Club
Dance Club for Fall 2024
Do you love to dance? Then join the dance club! Dance club consists of approximately 25 dancers who will meet twice a week to stretch and warm up then work on learning steps to a Holiday dance. We will perform this dance on stage during the Winter Open House on the evening of December 11th. The cost of the costume for this performance will be $20.
Monday and Thursday mornings at 7:30
October 3rd-to December 19th
Dress Rehearsal- Wednesday December 11th at 7:30 AM
Advisors- Mrs. Ecker

Degrees and Certifications:
NAIS Drama Club and Stage Crew
Welcome to NAIS Theatre Troupe!
Be a part of the Intermediate School Musical! You will act, sign or be a part of the backend!
SIGN UPS- First come basis by sign up time and then by grade level starting with Grade 6. There is a limit to the amount of students accepted in each group.
Musical Kids
Students will learn the elements of theatre and complete the school year with a musical at the end of the school year. This clubs involves singing, acting and some dancing. Try outs will determine parts and entrance information.
Stage Crew
6th Grade Students only. This is for the student who has interest in the behind the scenes aspect of the theatre. This is for students with great listening skills, leadership building and interest in learning about what goes on behind the scenes of the theatre. Students in Stage Crew will also be in charge of costumes, sets and props for the spring musical and be expected to be at all performances and practices. Stage crew will be picked based on interview and simple auditing of practices. Capped at 10 students!
Meeting Times: Monday and Tuesdays after school- Mrs. Snyder will provide an exact schedule
Sign Ups are for TRYOUTS ONLY!
Advisor- Mrs. Jenny Snyder

Degrees and Certifications:
NAIS eSports
Do you like to game? Have you ever played Mario Kart or Smash Brothers? Come learn more and compete in competitions! Students will have a chance to play against other students in the club and our MS and HS . We will be working in collaboration with the MS and HS teams to learn how to commentate, strategize and win a competition.
Sign ups are for interest. An application will follow to help choose who is involved in this club.
Meeting Times: 7:40- 8:30 AM Thursdays - Students will be meeting in TWO different groups. That information will be supplied after registration.
Advisors- Mr. Vogler & Mr. Greger & Mrs. Nickischer

Degrees and Certifications:
Girls in STEM
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math!
The club is for girls that are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math! During this club, you will gain leadership skills and a chance to explore STEM careers while doing experiments, STEM activities and having fun! Each week we will have a guest speaker who is a woman in a leadership role in a STEM Career. She will talk about her job and how she got there and then we will work to solve a hands on STEM Challenge about that job. Lots of un and lots of learning!
Meeting Times: 7:40- 8:30 AM Second and Fourth Tuesday of the month
Advisors: Mrs. DelBene & Mrs. Funari

Degrees and Certifications:
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run meets and runs after school to prepare girls to run a 5K.
More information about this club will be released later. No need to sign up now.
Advisor: TBD

Degrees and Certifications:
Graphic Design Club
Fifth and Sixth grade students will create logos, menus, and promotional materials for a fictional restaurant using the elements of graphic design. The two best sixth grade projects will be entered in the regional Computer Fair in March. Grade 6 is the only grade that can compete in the competition but grade 5 will still showcase their work at school wide events.
Meeting Times: 7:40- 8:30 AM Tuesdays through March.
Advisor: Ms. Haldeman

Degrees and Certifications:
Interact Club
Interact Club is sponsored and guided by the local Rotary Club. IInteract is a combination of two words ... international and action. Students get a chance to work in the community to help others. They will get to participate in a local community service and other international activities.
We look to do fundraisers and more to purchase food, shelter and animals for places that are in need. For example, we work with the Pocono Wildlife Center and Moravian Hall Square.
Meeting Times: 3:30 PM-4:30 PM on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Advisor: Mrs. Fehr

Degrees and Certifications:
Aquatics Intramurals is held in the fall. It is open to 6th grade students ONLY. The program is held Tuesdays after school at the Middle School pool. A bus transports students to the Middle School. A ride must be provided for the student to get home from the Middle School at 4:30pm. Permission slips are available now outside the gym doors or by contacting your child's physical education teacher.
Morning gym Intramurals is held on Tuesdays at 7:40am in the Winter and Spring. It is open to both 5th and 6th grade students and is conducted in the Intermediate School gym. Permission slips will be available outside the gym doors 2 weeks prior to the start date.
Advisors: Mrs. Stocker, Mr. Markle

Degrees and Certifications:
Nazzy Best Buddies

Degrees and Certifications:
Orchestra- Meets Wednesday mornings before school starting at 7:40 AM.
Orchestra is for 5th and 6th grade musicians who play violin, viola, cello, and bass. In Orchestra, students apply skills learned in lessons in a large ensemble setting. Orchestra rehearses to prepare music for the NAIS Winter and Spring Concerts. Students participating in lessons are encouraged, but not required to participate in Orchestra.
Advisors- Mr. Beil & Mrs. Wallace
Total # of Students- Unlimited
Starting Date- Wednesday October 2, 2024 (*Concert Dates: Monday December 6th, 2024 at 7:00 PM & Wednesday May 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM)

Degrees and Certifications:
Ski Club
Students will go to Blue Mountain Ski Resort after school on Wednesdays beginning in January to ski!
The ski trip dates will begin in January.
Ski club is for all levels of skiers and snowboarders. In order to be part of the club, you must fill out the ski club packet and return your payment by the deadline. Packets will become available by the end of September, students that sign up will receive a packet,
If school is cancelled or school is dismissed early for inclement weather, Ski Club will also be cancelled and rescheduled.
Meeting Times: A schedule will be sent once everyone is registered.
Advisors- Miss Morrison

Degrees and Certifications:
Strategy Board Games Club
This club is intended to provide and facilitate a space where students can play various strategy and board games. We will spend the first 3-4 meetings introducing students to different types of games. After that, students will be able to choose the game they would like to play, with additional games being introduced as needed.
Examples of games we would introduce:
Stratego, Blokus, Chick-a-Pig, Monopoly Deal, Chess, Checkers, Snertz, Othello, Dominion*, Settlers of Catan*
*Age appropriate, but more advanced games.
Students will also be encouraged to bring in games from home they enjoy and play/share with the group.
We will assess our numbers after club signups close to determine how often this club will meet and if we need to split the club into different groups.
Club Times: 7:40 AM- Tuesday Mornings
Advisor: Mr. Vogler & Mr. Mamana

Degrees and Certifications:
Student Council
NAIS Student Council is a student-run council that works toward building school and community pride and involvement. Student council strives to foster good citizenship and to help build our school culture. Students meet monthly. Classroom representatives and officers are elected by the student body. Events include Red Ribbon Week, Spirit Week, and co-sponsoring the NAIS Dances.
No sign ups.
This activity is voted on in school.
Advisors: Mr. Petrozelli, Mrs. Spering, Miss Morrison

Degrees and Certifications:
TMI STEM/Environmental Club
TMI STEM & Environmental Club:
Advisors: Mrs. DelBene & Mrs. Wolf

Degrees and Certifications:
Writer's Club
Advisor- Mrs. Thomas

Degrees and Certifications:
Yearbook Club
Do you like to take pictures? Join the yearbook and help take pictures throughout the school year and put the yearbook together.
Advisor: Mr. Greger