- Nazareth Area Intermediate School
- Attendance Information
Attendance Hotline- 484-292-1120
Nazareth Area School District School Health Services
Absence Reporting Procedures
In an effort to keep track of the causes of student absences, we are asking that the following procedure be followed by all parents/guardians of students.
If your child is going to be absent from school, you should:
1) Phone the appropriate school attendance line regarding the student’s absence on the morning of each day of absence.
School Attendance Line Numbers:
Butz Elementary: 610-759-1360
Lower Nazareth Elementary: 610-759-2384
Shafer Elementary: 610-759-2045
Intermediate School: 484-292-1120
Middle School: 484-292-1020
High School: 610-759-1730-Press extension “1” for the High School Attendance Office
2) We’re asking that you state the reason your child is absent. For example: • Cold-like symptoms • Fever • Flu-like symptoms • Upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea • Communicable Disease • Hospitalization • Injury • Death in family
3) When a call to the school is not received and a student is absent, verification of absence will be made by the school personnel by calling the parent’s/guardian’s home or emergency number to verify the student’s absence and circumstances.
4) Upon returning to school, the absent student shall submit a note, signed by his/her parent/guardian, or physician, stating the date/s and the specific reason for absence/s.