- Nazareth Area School District
- Overview
Boys' Basketball Booster Club
For booster club information, contact John Nagurney, Boys' Basketball Booster Club President.
Boys' Basketball Booster Club email: nazarethbasketball@gmail.com
The Nazareth Boys Basketball Booster Club is the parent organization that supports the Nazareth Boys Basketball. The club meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the HS Cafeteria. All families are welcome to attend and become involved in the fundraisers and other events to support the basketball players.
The Booster Club provides the following:
- Team Outings
- Meals, snacks and drinks
- Huddle Subscriptions
- Banquet
- Senior Scholarship
- Senior Night Expenses
- Camp Bus
- Summer Leagues
- Tournaments
Booster Club Officers are:
President: John Nagurney
Vice President: Mary Hahn
Secretary: Craig Vakiener
Treasurer: Vacant
Student Assistant: Vacant until fall semester
Varsity Head Boys' Basketball - Joe Arndt
Varsity Assistant Boys’ Basketball – Dave Wickmann and Craig Topping
JV Boys' Basketball - Ed Reid
Jr. High Boys' Basketball – Ryan Hercik
MS Boys' Basketball - Ryan Kreider and Steve Snyder
The website for Nazareth Boys' Basketball is: https://www.nazarethbasketball.com/
Follow Boys' Basketball on:
Twitter: @Nazhoops
Instagram: nazarethbasketball
Facebook: Nazareth Boys Basketball