Prospective players:
(Will be open around the end of January)
Once you've made the team:
Spirit Wear 2024
Team Photos 2024 (code NASDSPRING24)
Please note: All of these links will be updated for the current year as the content becomes available!
Nazareth Area Middle School soccer is co-ed and is open to 7th and 8th grade students.
Some games will be played as co-ed and some games will be gender specific.
We usually have 50 to 60 players try out, of which we select no more than 40 players.
All players must have physicals on file through ArbiterSports (Official Registration page above),
before they can try out.
Our season runs from March until mid-May.
Games are scheduled on weekdays, warmups at 3:00, first game at 4:00, 2nd game around 5:00,
ending at 6:00. Practice is every weekday that we don't have a game, after school until 4:15.
Tom Remely, tremely@nazarethasd.org
Hannah Oren, horen@nazarethasd.org