• Lady Blue Eagle Basketball Booster Club

    For booster club information, contact Teresa Novak, Lady Blue Eagle Basketball Booster Club President. 


    Lady Blue Eagle Basketball Booster Club email:  ladyblueeaglesbb@gmail.com


    Booster Club Officers are: 

    President - Teresa Novak

    Vice-President - Evelyn Long

    Secretary - Kimberly Mooney

    Treasurer - Jenna Componovo

    Varsity Girls' Basketball - Rich Bickert
    JV Girls' Basketball - Joe McCallum
    Jr. High Girls' Basketball - Katie Kline
    MS Girls' Basketball - Cindy Getz

    Lady Blue Eagle Basketball Booster Club Meetings will be held at 7:00 PM on the third Thursday of each month:



    Dates to be announced shortly.



    Click here for the Lady Blue Eagle Basketball By-Laws

    Follow Lady Blue Eagle Girls' Basketball on Twitter:  @NazGBball