• Special & Alternative Education


    Special Education is located in District Office, One Education Plaza, Nazareth, PA 18064-2397.  To reach this department by telephone, please dial (610) 759-1170, extension 1115.  To send a fax, please use (610) 759-2101.
    Isabel C. Resende, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
    A.J. Kise, Director of Special & Alternative Education 
    Krista Eyer, Supervisor of Special & Alternative Education  
    Michele J. Tomaino, Secretary to Special & Alternative Education


    The vision of the Nazareth Area School District Special Education Department is to develop each individual student with an exceptionality to attain the knowledge, skills and social/emotional attitudes to become a confident, independent self-advocate who is a contributing and productive citizen in our evolving, demanding and culturally diverse society through a collaborative partnership, family and community support, meaningful access to a rigorous curriculum, timely and effective interventions, data-driven decision making, local, state and federal resources and setting high expectations, and high supports.