- Nazareth Area School District
- Overview
Office of Human Resources
Human Resources is located in District Office, One Education Plaza, Nazareth, PA 18064-2397. To reach this department by telephone, please dial (610) 759-1170 and extension 1124. To send a fax, please use (610) 759-9637.Isabel C. Resende, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
Rosario A. Amato, Jr., Chief Personnel Officer
Adrienne Langen, HR Generalist
Brandalyn Timko, HR Administrative Assistant
Human Resources (HR) at NASD commits to promoting a positive and responsible environment conducive to staff focus on the mission of student-centered programs and practice. HR is a conduit for communication, collectively and individually, with applicants, employees, related departments and functions, union leadership, our community, PA Department of Education and governing agencies, State and Federal laws and policies.What interactions would I have with HR?We are structured to gain information or resolve issues at the most relevant/efficient level. Your building administrator may be your first stop… However HR has an open door policy and will respond or redirect your questions as appropriate, in an atmosphere of confidentiality, respect, and importance.
What kinds of questions?
Your situation may be unique, however may relate to:
- Position/ Performance: Job description, moving up or about; extracurricular interest (EPED); certification and continuing education; interpersonal concerns/ suggestions; equitable treatment; mentoring; ethical conduct; compensation
- Work-Life Issues: Benefits entitlement; counseling/employee assistance needs; life-changing events; leaves of absence; diversity; individual and organizational health
- Policy and Practice: Seeking clarification and problem solving.
How and when do I approach HR?Time is of the essence… and discussing a concern takes time. Seek to resolve your concern with the person of direct influence. Certainly, a building- level question is best resolved with your administrator; a curriculum question, with your teacher leader; a technical question, with your specialist. Yet, feel free to contact Human Resources whenever you are feeling the need to discuss a work issue or concern. We look forward to assisting you.
Effective January 1, 2009, all Pennsylvania Public School Districts must adhere to the provisions of the revised Right-to-Know law. Any legal resident of the United States may request public records from the Nazareth Area School District by emailing Rosario A. Amato, Jr. at ramato@nazarethasd.org or rtk@nazarethasd.org. All requests must be submitted to the School District using the PA Standard Right to Know Form. You may access additional information regarding the state’s Right-to-Know law at: http://openrecords.state.pa.us.The Standard Right-to-Know Law Form is available here in both PDF and DOCX formats: https://www.openrecords.pa.gov/RTKL/Forms.cfmThe link below is published in accordance with the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) Transparency in Coverage Rule, requiring publication of machine-readable files. The files are being hosted by our medical benefit administrator, and can be accessed at the link included below.